Bill Summary

SB 1486 Electronic Monitoring Devices In Long-term Care Facilities (2023 Session)
Electronic Monitoring Devices in Long-term Care Facilities; Defining the terms “electronic monitoring device” and “representative”; authorizing a resident, or his or her representative, of a nursing home facility or assisted living facility, respectively, to authorize the installation and use of an electronic monitoring device in the resident’s room if specified conditions are met; prohibiting facilities from denying admission to a person or discharging a resident or otherwise discriminating or retaliating against a resident for the decision to install and use such electronic monitoring device in the resident’s room; providing a criminal penalty for unlawfully obstructing, tampering with, or destroying an electronic monitoring device or a recording made by such device, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2023
Referred to Health Policy; Judiciary; Rules
Died in Health Policy
Filed on 03/02/23
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