Bill Summary

SB 130 Selection and Duties of County Officers/Clerk of the Circuit Court (2017 Session)
by Artiles Co Sponsors: Powell
Selection and Duties of County Officers/Clerk of the Circuit Court; Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to remove authority for a county charter to provide for choosing certain county officers in a manner other than election, prohibit a special law to provide for choosing a clerk of the circuit court in a manner other than election, authorize the abolition of any county office if its duties are transferred to another office by special law approved by county voters, and remove authority for a county charter to transfer certain duties of the clerk of the circuit court to another officer, etc.
Committee references not assigned.
Referred to Community Affairs; Ethics and Elections; Judiciary; Rules
Withdrawn from Community Affairs; Ethics and Elections; Judiciary; Rules
Withdrawn from further consideration
Filed on 12/08/16
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