Bill Summary

SB 112 Possession or Discharge of a Firearm or Destructive Device During the Commission of Specified Offenses (2014 Session)
by Joyner Co Sponsors: Clemens (J)
Possession or Discharge of a Firearm or Destructive Device During the Commission of Specified Offenses; Providing that a sentencing court may elect not to impose the minimum term of imprisonment for a person convicted of certain offenses during which the person actually possessed or discharged a firearm or destructive device if the court finds that certain specified criteria are met; requiring a sentencing court that elects not to impose the mandatory minimum sentence for the relevant offense to make specific findings to support its decision to impose a lesser term, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2014
Referred to Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Rules
Died in Criminal Justice
Filed on 08/21/13
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