Bill Summary

HB 69 Inmate Reentry (2013 Session)
Inmate Reentry: Directs DOC to develop & administer reentry program for nonviolent offenders; requires substance abuse treatment & rehabilitative programming; specifies eligibility criteria; requires notice to court & state attorney; authorizes state attorney to object; directs court to screen & select eligible offenders for program based on specified considerations; requires court to notify DOC of decision within specified period, with failure to timely notify constituting disapproval; requires education & substance abuse assessment; requires enrollment in adult education in specified circumstances; requires assessments of vocational skills & career education be provided; provides that offender is subject to disciplinary rules; requires that DOC report to sentencing court before offender is scheduled to complete program; requires court to hold hearing to consider modifying sentence & authorizing placement on drug offender probation if performance is satisfactory; authorizes revocation of probation & imposition of original sentence in specified circumstances; requires annual report; authorizes administrative or protective confinement; authorizes incentives to promote participation & orderly operation; directs DOC to develop system for tracking recidivism; provides for nonseverability of certain provisions. Effective Date: October 1, 2013
Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee
Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Filed on 12/26/12
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