Bill Summary

SB 7202 Energy (2012 Session)
Energy; Adding factors for the Public Service Commission to consider in reviewing the 10-year site plans submitted to the commission by electric utilities; providing a sales tax exemption for materials used in the distribution of biodiesel, ethanol, and other renewable fuels; exempting the sale of electricity to the public for the purpose electric vehicle charging stations from regulation under ch. 366, F.S.; requiring the Public Service Commission to consider the need to improve the balance of power plant fuel diversity and reduce Florida’s dependence on natural gas when determining the need for a proposed power plant, etc. Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Committee references not assigned.
On Committee agenda - Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities, 01/30/12, 10:00 am, 110 S
Submitted as Committee Bill by Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities
Committee Bill filed as S 2094
Filed on 01/26/12
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