Bill Summary

SB 1224 Civil Remedies Against Insurers (2012 Session)
Civil Remedies Against Insurers; Requiring that before bringing a common-law bad faith action against an insurer, the party bringing the action must first provide to the Department of Financial Services and the insurer prior written notification of a specified number of days; requiring that a notice relating to the bringing of a common-law claim of bad faith must specify the common-law duty violated by the insurer; requiring a notice to specify the amount of moneys that an insurer has failed to tender or pay if the specific statutory or common-law-based violation includes such failure; providing that the applicable statute of limitations is tolled for a specified period of time when certain notices alleging a common-law-based violation are mailed, etc. EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2012
Referred to Judiciary; Banking and Insurance; Budget
Died in Judiciary
Filed on 12/08/11
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