Bill Summary

SB 172 Safe Waterways Act (2023 Session)
Safe Waterways Act; Citing this act as the “Safe Waterways Act”; requiring, rather than authorizing, the Department of Health to adopt and enforce certain rules; directing the department to require closure of beach waters and public bathing places under certain circumstances; including public bathing places in an existing preemption of authority to the state pertaining to the issuance of such health advisories and an existing notification requirement; providing that municipalities and counties are responsible for maintaining the health advisory signs around affected beach waters and public bathing places that they own; requiring the department to establish a public statewide interagency database for a specified purpose, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2023
Referred to Health Policy; Appropriations Committee on Health and Human Services; Fiscal Policy
Died in Health Policy
Filed on 01/12/23
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