Bill Summary

SB 1646 School Meals (2022 Session)
School Meals; Requiring public schools and nonprofit private schools participating in certain federal programs to provide students, at no cost, a printed meal application or an explanation and instructions on how to apply; requiring schools to complete and file an application for free or reduced-price meals on a student’s behalf under certain circumstances; requiring school district liaisons for homeless children to coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to ensure that homeless students in public schools receive free and reduced-price meals; providing duties for public and nonprofit private schools which apply regardless of a student’s ability to pay for meals or whether the student owes money for previous meals, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2022
Referred to Education; Agriculture; Rules
Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
Died in Education
Filed on 01/06/22
No amendments to this bill text filed.
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