Bill Summary

SB 1548 Occupational Licensing (2022 Session)
by Perry Co Sponsors: Rodrigues (R)
Occupational Licensing; Prohibiting boards within the Division of Certified Public Accounting, the Division of Professions, or the Division of Real Estate of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation from inquiring into or considering a license applicant’s criminal history until after the board determines the applicant is otherwise qualified for a license; prohibiting such boards from denying an applicant’s license application due to the applicant’s criminal history unless the applicant was convicted of a felony that directly relates to the profession; requiring such boards to provide specified notification to applicants who are determined to be ineligible for licensure because of a felony conviction, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2022
Referred to Regulated Industries; Criminal Justice; Rules
Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
Died in Regulated Industries
Filed on 01/05/22
No amendments to this bill text filed.
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