Bill Summary

SB 972 Offenses Against Elderly Persons or Disabled Adults (2022 Session)
Offenses Against Elderly Persons or Disabled Adults; Citing this act as the “Don Bryant Protection Act”; specifying that the reclassification of a specified crime occurs if the crime was based in whole or in part on a disability of any person; providing enhanced criminal penalties for second or subsequent offenses of exploitation of an elderly person or a disabled adult if the funds, assets, or property involved has a specified valuation; expanding the data the Governor is required to collect and disseminate to include incidents of criminal acts that evidence prejudice based on disability, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2022
Committee references not assigned.
Withdrawn prior to introduction
Bill to be Discussed During the Office of EDR's Criminal Justice Impact Conference, 02/07/22, 2:00 pm, 117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
Filed on 11/17/21
No amendments to this bill text filed.
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