Bill Summary

HB 1367 Concealed Weapons or Firearms Licensing (2021 Session)
Concealed Weapons or Firearms Licensing: Decreases number of years that licenses to carry concealed weapons or firearms are valid; specifies that experience with firearm through military service in Armed Forces meets requirement of demonstrating firearms competence; reduces maximum license fees that may be charged; requires that full set of fingerprints submitted as part of application for license be retained by specified entities; requires DACS to bear licensee's fingerprint retention fee; revises required notice before license expiration to include electronic notice; requires renewing licensees to submit full set of fingerprints & personal identifying information required by federal law; requires DACS to bear renewing licensee's fingerprint retention fee; requires licensee, upon each renewal, to provide proof of completion of firearms training or safety course or class. Effective Date: July 1, 2021
Referred to Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee; Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee
Now in Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee
Died in Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee
Filed on 02/26/21
No amendments to this bill text filed.
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