Bill Summary

SB 156 Homestead Assessment Limitation (2021 Session)
by Diaz Co Sponsors: Garcia (I)
Homestead Assessment Limitation; Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to authorize the Legislature, by general law, to prohibit increases in the assessed value of homestead property, for school district levy purposes, if the legal or equitable title to the property is held by a person who is 65 years of age or older and if that person has held such title and maintained permanent residence on the property for at least 25 years, and to provide an effective date, etc.
Referred to Community Affairs; Finance and Tax; Appropriations; Rules
Bill to be Discussed During the Office of EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference, 01/29/21, 9:30 am, 117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
Died in Community Affairs
Filed on 12/04/20
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