Bill Summary

HB 577 Pub. Rec./Photographs or Video or Audio Recordings that Depict or Record Killing of Victim of a School Shooting or Victim of a Mass Shooting (2019 Session)
Pub. Rec./Photographs or Video or Audio Recordings that Depict or Record Killing of Victim of a School Shooting or Victim of a Mass Shooting: Expands exemption from public records requirements for photograph or video or audio recording held by agency that depicts or records killing of law enforcement officer to include photograph or video or audio recording held by agency that depicts or records killing of victim of school shooting or killing of victim of mass shooting; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity. Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Committee references not assigned.
Referred to Oversight, Transparency & Public Management Subcommittee; Criminal Justice Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee
Now in Oversight, Transparency & Public Management Subcommittee
Withdrawn prior to introduction
Filed on 01/28/19
No amendments to this bill text filed.
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