Bill Summary

SB 1846 Public Records/Personal Identifying Information Regarding Persons Seeking Mental Health Treatment (2018 Session)
Public Records/Personal Identifying Information Regarding Persons Seeking Mental Health Treatment; Providing an exemption from public records requirements for petitions for voluntary and involuntary admission for mental health treatment, court orders, related records, and personal identifying information regarding persons seeking mental health treatment and services; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemption; providing a statement of public necessity, etc. Effective Date: On the same date that SB 1790 or similar legislation takes effect, if such legislation is adopted in the same legislative session or an extension thereof and becomes a law
Referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Rules
Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
Filed on 01/05/18
No amendments to this bill text filed.
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