Bill Summary

SB 1112 Florida Retirement System Cash Balance Plan Trust Fund (2014 Session)
Florida Retirement System Cash Balance Plan Trust Fund; Creating the Florida Retirement System Cash Balance Plan Trust Fund, to hold the assets of the Florida Retirement System Cash Balance Plan; providing that the trust fund is a retirement trust fund not subject to termination pursuant to s. 19(f), Art. III of the State Constitution; providing for sources of moneys and purposes; requiring a forfeiture account to be created within the trust fund' allowing transfer of funds into the Florida Retirement System Cash Balance Plan Trust Fund, etc. Effective Date: July 1, 2014, if passed by a three-fifths vote of the membership of each house and if SB 1114 or similar legislation is adopted in the same legislative session or an extension thereof and becomes a law
Filed (Formerly PCB 7040)
Referred to Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Appropriations
Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability
Filed on 02/19/14
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