Bill Summary
SB 38 Relief/Amie Draiemann Stephenson, Hailey Morgan Stephenson, and Christian Darby Stephenson, II/Department of Transportation (2013 Session)
Relief/Amie Draiemann Stephenson, Hailey Morgan Stephenson, and Christian Darby Stephenson, II/Department of Transportation ; Providing for the relief of Amie Draiemann Stephenson, individually and as Personal Representative of the Estate of Christian Darby Stephenson, deceased, and for the relief of Hailey Morgan Stephenson and Christian Darby Stephenson, II, as surviving minor children of the decedent; providing an appropriation to compensate them for the wrongful death of Christian Darby Stephenson, which was due in part to the negligence of the Department of Transportation; providing a limitation on the payment of fees and costs, etc. CLAIM WITH APPROPRIATION: Indeterminate Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Referred to Judiciary; Transportation; Appropriations; Rules
Died in Judiciary
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